Thursday, November 6, 2008

Lost weekends and Flight of the Conchords

So, another week has gone by and I find an entire new list of obscure tasks for me to perform.  I long for the days when a weekend was spent doing weekend things like laundry, catching up on sleep or playing endless hours of World of Warcraft.  MY weekend is already booked and its only Thursday.  I have a major test on Monday that will require myself to study profusely all weekend in hopes of obtaining that coveted “A”.  The small price I must pay in order to guarantee entrance into the program of my choice next year.

I currently stand at a 3.0 GPA and I have a desire to increase this GPA (Grade Point Average) to the range of 3.5 for I may partake in all the scholarships and bursaries that are available to those dull people who care more about studies than having a good time.  This time around, I have chose to be dull and actually complete my assigned work.  It is amazing how your marks may reflect actual effort.

I keep telling myself, I am doing this all for the good of my exploration.  Five years of school, one working, and then resident of NZ.  In retrospect, I shall be enjoying a more enjoyable income when this is all over and I long for the days of new cars, milk, and processed cheese, which I still consider to be “Luxury Items” in my current predicament.

Now that I am a student again, I have resorted to shenanigans I resorted to almost seven years ago when I was a student last.  I have been informing my much younger school mates on how to cut corners and save money and I have got the idea to start another blog to notify people about my penny pinching abilities.  The only problem is, I am prone to starting blogs and never updating for long periods of time.  Case in point, True Confessions of a Strip Club Bouncer, True Confessions of a Video Store Clerk are just two examples, not to mention my long hiatus from this blog as well.  Well, I do have time to think about such things.

I downloaded the first season of Flight of the Conchords over the past week.  What a wickedly funny series.  Yes my friends, I have already viewed this season last year but I finally took the time to download it for my own purposes.  I still think Murray is the best character of the series.  The stereotypical Kiwi reminds me of the stereotypical Canadian.  A little low tech, a little out of their time, yet very polite and helpful to anyone.  This concludes my New Zealand reference of this entry.

For those Flight of the Conchords fans, who is your favorite character from the series?  Lets hear your opinions!


Meges1 said...

I frickin' LOVE Warcraft!

Tavis Xavier said...

Really, you play?

Siobhan said...

Hehe Murray irks me so much, he such a prat! I luv both Germaine and Brett they're so goofy. I'm so lucky to have met them before they became world famous.