Monday, October 20, 2008

Midterm Madness

An update of sorts.

I am now in the middle of what one may call “Midterm Madness” where all my midterms fall on the same week and I am scrambling to find my place in life and trying to remember the 15 stages of ------- and the four types of ------ and desperately trying to keep different subjects from leaking over into one another. I hate this time of year. I can respect multiple math or science exams where all you have to remember is the formula and you just need to work with the numbers to find the final answer. Book learning or “remembering junk” is more complex considering you have two very intense subjects, with the exams falling on the same day. You are trying to remember the 10 qualities of a critical thinker and some of the answer leaks over into the organelles of the human body. Stressed out so I am. Yet, I look at the future with a smile on my face and anticipate the next curveball that is handed to me. Besides, the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.

I had an interesting Thanksgiving weekend with a wonderful night of drugs and alcohol and enjoying the company of old and new friends. This night of debauchery was just what the doctor ordered. I also met up with an old flame (the one I regard as being the one that got away) and we have been talking to one another for the past week. I am a little reluctant to open up to her considering the circumstances of our last breakup (last breakup considering we have dated three times before and there certainly is chemistry there). I lay and wait to see what her reaction will be, testing the waters so to speak. Had dinner with my parents and this was the first time in six years that I have enjoyed the taste of Turkey on Thanksgiving. We had not yet started dessert but when a family fight broke out and I was forced to leave prematurely and head back home. I was happy to see my parents but sometimes you must take family in small doses if one does not want to overdose on the reality that is public scrutiny.

I survived a week of unit test and assignments and was very proud of my resulting grades, well, most of them. I just have to survive this week before I can again breathe a sigh of relief and attempt at a good night’s rest. I have been sleeping in uneven bursts of 1-4 hours for the last two weeks and I cannot remember the last time I had a full uninterrupted 7 hour nap. I desire this, yet my previous obligations keep me from my goal.

I have been dreaming of New Zealand often and I spend a good few hours looking at my old photos and videos of my trip last year. It is spring there now, and NZ will be blessed with sun and warmth as my world is rotating into the dreary winter that will last for a good six months. New Zealand, I long for your warm embrace and your sunny smile. In time my friend, we will be mates. In time…I hope.


Meges1 said...

I've just got back from nearly a month overseas - was awesome! So yeah, I have definitely been slacking in the blogging department. Sounds like you've had some pretty good excuses too - busy time for you!