Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Fighting off that loving feeling

Fighting off that loving feeling The anxiety, I do admit, has finally met the insides of my head. With more and more assignments being piled onto my plate, I feel an escape is in order. As I have tried to impress my skeptics by producing immaculate works of art, I have found that I have been sagging in other sectors. What can one do to impress all and live up the expectations of one’s own soul? 

I do admit that I have been sidetracked by a recent stint with the flu bug (yes, I actually got sick and that doesn’t happen very often) and this flu virus has placed my last two weeks in complete turmoil. I was thinking that the Thanksgiving holiday would relieve some pressure to the growing madness, yet I have learned that my refuge has now been cast down. I would be taking three days to myself then one day to volunteer for the national election. The national election is the first form of employment I have been offered since my relocation to this godless rock. So, it is easy to say that I was somehow confused by the concept that I had a project presentation on the same day I was to be out of school, doing my national duty. After a heated debate with my professor, I just explained that with the absence of funds, there would simply be an absence of school. This is much the case since no income and high expenses never helps a student.  

Anyhow, I know that almost every student has these types of snags and I was happy to think that I had overcome all these futile aggravations. Yet for some reason, I decide to go back to school and live this life all over again. I guess I can only cure myself for such a lifestyle. If only education was free and one could live the life of learning with now afterthoughts of where ones next meal would come from or where one would sleep that night.  

It is funny how the under skilled and unemployed has their education served to them on a silver platter, free of charge and an able bodied semi-employed person must scratch a living to progress in the lie that is the American/Canadian dream. I long for the world that does not judge a person on his or her wallet, but judges on the merit and principal of one’s beliefs. Wow, was I just expressing the thought of revolution? No, I guess I was expressing the thought of a new structure and a new way of thinking. Yes my friends, as the central theme to this blog, New Zealand.  

I have grown tired of the political stance that my once mighty country has taken. I am annoyed by a conservative government that has dragged out good name through the mud of America. I long for the days where I was proud to be a Canadian, where I would walk with my head held high in any state without the fear of those unknown gunning for my essence. Now days, I feel more like an America. When one feels like an American, there are simply only two options. One must kill oneself, or retreat to a more favorable setting. Now I was not the one for ending my young life since, well I have too much fun with this body. I long for relocation, to the island shores of NZ.