Sunday, March 9, 2008

Delayed - New Zealand 2007


This monkey wrench that was tossed into my scheme of grand adventure did not last long. My flight was delayed for a full fifteen minutes. I took these extra fifteen minutes to brush up on my sleep. ZZZzzzzzz. I promptly fell asleep at the drop of a hat and was only dislodged by the sound of the captain informing us that the pesky weather front has blown over and we were ready to depart. My grand adventure was about to begin and I secured myself into my seat with my safety strap by using the directions of the flight attendant that I found to be quite amusing.

My plane reached the airstrip and I heard the engines roar as our little plain was hurled forward at a great force. I kept my eyes glued to my window as I began to see our little plane gradually ascend into the air. Many people tell me that taking off and landing are the two worst things you would experience on a flight, only I found that the take off procedure was much like riding a roller coaster with the forces of nature pushing you back into your seat.


We were ascending higher and higher into the sky and I was stuck by great awe as I was admiring the amazing view. I kept my eyes glued to the window until we ascended into the clouds. I could not believe how wonderful the world looked and how green and bountiful the landscape was. All my fears were set aside as were ascended into the heavens. I was on my way. I was smiling like a little boy where just entered the candy store.

Why didn't I secure any pictures?


Meges1 said...

Thanks for congratulating me on acheiving the refund - was one of the finer moments of my career. Up yours, doubting boss! Anyway hope you have a fantasic time while in NZ, like any country it has good points and bad points but I can't imagine living anywhere else. So let me be the first to say "Kia Ora" and welcome you to NZ!

Tavis Xavier said...

Np. Good on ya mate.